Ursuscro! Illustration by Epic Made Jak had moved a hundred yards away, still tracking the scent. He turned back when he heard several low-pitched growls from H’Ilgraith. He saw her retreating from a large animal that was built like a bear yet had the head of a boar and fangs like those of a tiger. While H’Ilgraith was distracted, an ursuscro had approached downwind and caught her by surprise. Jak knew instantly that H’Ilgraith did

January 3, 2020

Speaking of Winter’s Chill….

Jane Renfro Comments are off
With the child’s help, the old woman built a small shelter made of stones and set in mortar.  Just outside the shelter, she dug a shallow covered pit for a fire.  It was close enough to the shelter’s entrance that both she and the child could tend the fire from the doorway and protect it, if necessary.  It also would be close by during the winter when they would need to heat hearth stones for

December 27, 2019

Father Time

Jane Renfro Comments are off
Japanese White Pine – 400 years old National Arboretum Photograph by Nancy E. Rogers A Venerable Age Sisters of the House of H’Aleth and their descendants often lived well over one hundred years of age.  Yet, they rarely reached 120 years old before they died.  H’Ilgraith was in her eighties when she fled from the destruction of H’Aleth.  She might have exceeded the venerable age of one hundred had it not been for the hardships
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