H’Ilgraith: Description of the Story
Released 28 February 2020 ISBN 978-1-64663-000-4 This is an adventure tale that both entertains and offers short, clear lessons about genetics. The author [...]
Released 28 February 2020 ISBN 978-1-64663-000-4 This is an adventure tale that both entertains and offers short, clear lessons about genetics. The author [...]
Release date 28 February 2020 ISBN 978-1-64663-000-4 With her new science fiction book, H’Ilgraith, Mary Elizabeth Ames continues to break the mold when it [...]
Lyvulseroptera Illustration by Epic Made First, [Rafe] Cassius decided to recreate the legendary gryphon. From this exercise in frustration spewed forth many bizarre creatures.… [...]