September 27, 2019


Jane Renfro Comments are off
A Duel in Mid-Air From Homo transformans:  The Origin and Nature of the Species Illustration by Epic Made A Duel in Mid-Air One afternoon, Ruwena [as a river otter] was visiting the otter family in a nearby stream. Suddenly, the female otter barked several warning calls to her pups and anyone else who would listen.  She was looking up at the sky.  Ruwena did the same and saw a strange creature, a lyvulfon, rising into
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September 27, 2019

Science Fantasy Novel

Jane Renfro Comments are off
On Silent Wings Illustration by Epic Made From Homo transformans:  The Origin and Nature of the Species Living Quarters For now, the room was empty except for Ruwena.  She would remain by herself until more was known about her.  Matron Aquina would not risk having an unknown individual in a room where other students would be talking amongst themselves and could inadvertently offer information that a stranger should not hear.  Ruwena was relieved.  She welcomed
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September 27, 2019

Science Fantasy

Jane Renfro Comments are off
Illustration by Epic Made From Homo transformans:  The Origin and Nature of the Species Introduction In writing the novel H. transformans: The Origin and Nature of the Species, I stumbled into a literary debate regarding whether or not science fantasy is a genre of its own.  The distinction between science fiction and fantasy is clearly defined.  Works of science fiction – especially, hard science fiction – are expected to incorporate known science or science that
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