Introduction Mutations may occur at the gene level or at the chromosome level.  They may occur at a single gene location or at multiple locations.  Mutations that occur at the gene-level may involve a single gene (e.g., sickle cell anemia, early onset Alzheimer’s disease) or multiple genes across multiple chromosomes.  Most single gene mutations are benign and cause no ill effects.  They are naturally occurring variations that cause no change in function and serve as
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Illustration National Library of Medicine (US). Genetics Home Reference [Internet]. Bethesda (MD) Introduction Genes are the functional units of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid).  They provide the “recipe” for building the body and directing its operations.  Genes are arrayed along chromosomes and are identified by their position (locus) on their own particular chromosome. Genetic Array With the exception of the ovum and sperm, all of our cells should have 23 pairs of chromosomes (46 total).  Each member
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September 27, 2019

Fight or Flight

Jane Renfro Comments are off
Plaza Blanca Geologic Formation, Abiquiu, New Mexico Photograph by Nancy E. Rogers Fight or Flight For a moment, no one spoke. Then, Weston said what no one wanted to hear. “We may have to flee farther into the southwestern region perhaps into the mountains or west into the desert.” “Leave this fertile land and the forests and rivers that abound here?” spoke a councilman in disbelief. “Not without a fight,” he added vehemently. “We do
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